What is Focused Deburring™?
Focused Deburring™ is a trademarked operation by James Engineering that completely diminishes the need for part masking or special setup adjustments when it comes to deburring a particular spot on a gear deburring or parts. With a bit of simple programming, Focused Deburring™ can avoid areas that don’t need further finishing, such as bearing diameters or gear teeth contact surfaces.
Figure 2: Focused Deburring of a Life-Critical Aerospace Part (Untouched Milled, left; Focused Deburring, center; Hand Deburring, right).
What’s the advantage for Gear Deburring?
By eliminating part masking and special setup adjustments, operators save precious time that would have been spent meticulously preparing these parts for further processing. Focused Deburring™ is especially helpful for those who rely on abrasive finishing—instead of facilitating unnecessary finishing to a part with messy abrasives, operators can hone in on a particular spot that needs further work, protecting the rest of the body of said part/gear.
Where can I find Focused Deburring™?
Deburring machines manufactured and sold by James Engineering are the only deburring machines on the market to offer such a program.
Both our manual and MAX System machines offer Focused Deburring™, making it easier on operators all around the globe.