Metal Finishing Systems Denver
Located just north, in Broomfield, CO, James Engineering is the best supporter of finishing solutions to Denver Colorado. We offer several system types and equipment as well as in-house deburring and finishing services. Our machines and products have served a vast amount of industries for over 40 years.
James Engineering
James Engineering’s part-finishing solutions package efficiency, precision, and sustainability into one machine.
Simultaneous tooling, no setup time, and user-friendly controls are just a few reasons why industry leaders trust our machines. Seamless and consistent finishes are thanks to our patented technology.
Consistent Results
All our systems are designed to be compliant with inconsistency part-to-part. They are able to produce the same finish even with factors such as tool wear and misshapen parts.
Metal Finishing Denver Services
Are you looking for professional finishing solutions without the need to invest in your own equipment? We offer in-house deburring and finishing services for your specific needs! We ensure your parts are finished to perfection letting you focus on what you do best.
Denver Deburring Services
Elevate your manufacturing with our expert deburring services that are tailored to your precise needs.
Share your specific requirements with us, and our team of deburring specialists will assess and deliver the best deburring service tailored to your needs. Whether it's a general tumble deburring, vibratory finishing, or a more intricate and precise approach, our capabilities guarantee top-quality results, ensuring your parts' optimal condition and performance.
From rough to refined
We process parts with various materials, sizes, and complexity. We are equiped to tackle even the toughest jobs