CASE STUDY: Manufacturing Customer Survey Finds The Following Results

CASE STUDY:  Manufacturing Customer Survey Finds The Following Results

In 2011, we conducted a client survey of over 1500 manufacturers, across varied industries doing manual and hand deburring.

How Much Production Time Are You Losing?

Set up? Processing Time? The MAX speeds all of this!

Mastering Precision: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Part Finishing Challenges

Mastering Precision: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Part Finishing Challenges

In the intricate realm of manufacturing, achieving precision in part finishing is an ongoing pursuit that directly influences the quality and functionality of the final product. This comprehensive guide explores the common challenges encountered in part finishing and offers valuable insights into overcoming these hurdles with the help of advanced deburring and chamfering machines.

The Machine Shop at James Engineering

The Machine Shop at James Engineering

Get an inside scoop about the machine shop at James Engineering from a Q&A with lead engineer, Dave Schlosser, and company vice president, Scott Richards.